g r a n t e d
bob vega
she came to me from the fire
the wind was hot that day
& the sun was jealous
the furnace was set too high
& I know the devil wanted a vacation
we wouldn't let him have it
too much fire between us
hell won't have it
try as he might
the daughter had a will of her own
& if she will
I will
"don't bet on the mason" 
she said
"there's enough room down there for all of us."
I closed my eyes
fire dripped like spit
from off her lips
leaving me full with ashes
of what may be
of what should have
of the promise in her eyes
& the decadence we would aspire to
in the world 
were we both spirits burning
& pulling
she came to me from the fire
on a wish
from fate
for me
and we burned

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